The following are the important words starting with the letter ‘A’ which are frequently used in daily communication. The word list contains the frequently used words, their meaning and synonyms.
Addle – to muddle , confuse
- Syn: astound, confound, dumfound, elude
Admonish – to warn
- Syn: advise, berate, caveat, censure
Adroit – skillful and clever
- Syn: dexterous, adept, handy, ingenious
Adulation – excessive flattery or admiration
- Syn: applause, blandishment, fawning, sycophancy
Adventitious – happening accidentally not planned
- Syn: fotuitous, inadverdent, incidental,unexpected
Aegis – a shield protection
- Syn: influence,patronage, sponsorship, supervision
Aesthetic – showing good taste, artistic
- Syn: creative, gorgeous, inventive
Affable – pleasant and easy to approach or talk to, friendly
- Syn: amaiable, amicable,approachable, benevolent
Affected – assumed or simulated to impress
- Syn: artificial,assumed,conceited,contrived
Affliction – severe pain, suffering
- Syn: adversity,depresson,wretchedness,calamity
Agglomeration – a jumbled heap, mass
- Syn: Aggrandizement,aggregation,amassing, augmentation
Aggrandize – to make greater, more powerful
- Syn: acclaim,applaud,ennoble,glorify
Agnostic – a person who is not sure whether or not god exists
- Syn: Doubter, freethinker, skeptic, unbeliever
Alacrity – great willingness or enthusiasm
- Syn: Alertness, avidity, cheerfylness,eagwerness
Allay – calm, pacify
- Syn: Alleviate assuage,mitigate, moderate
Alleviate – to make less severe
- Syn: Mitigate assuage, pacify
Allude – to refer in a casual or indirect way
- Syn: Imply-insinuate, point, refer
Altruism – work for others
- Syn: Amity compassion,friendship,generosity
Ambidextrous – able to use both hands with equal ease
Ambivalence – uncertainty, vacillation
- Syn: ambiguity, anxiety, hesitancy, inddecision
Ameliorate – to improve
- Syn: amend, lighten, relieve, upgrade
Amenable – easy to control, willing to be influenced
- Syn: agreeable,docile, obedient, paliable
Amiable – having a pleasant and friendly disposition
- Syn: affable, ordial, sociable
Amicable – friendly in feeling, showing good will
- Syn: affable,genial, cordial, emphathic
Amnesty – a pardon
- Syn: absolution, forgiveness, immunity, reprieve
Amorous – showing sexual desire
- Syn: ardent,enamored,crazy,passionate
Anomalous – deviating from the regular arrangement, abnormal
- Syn: aberrant, atypical,bizarre,divergent
Apathy – lack of interest
- Syn: detachment,disinterest,dispassion,disregard
Aplomb – assurance ,poise
- Syn: confidence aggressiveness,certitude
Apocalyptic – prophetic, pertaining to revelations
- Syn: appalling, baleful, calamitous, dire
Apocryphal – of questionable authorship or authenticity
- Syn: spurious,fictitious,inaccurate, mythical
Apostate – a person who abandons political or religious beliefs, renegade
- Syn: defector, dissenter, nonconformist
Archetype – prototype, original or ideal type
- Syn: exemplar,model, paradigm,standard
Arduous : laborious, onerous, strenuous
- Syn: formidable, grueling, punishing,rigorous
Arraign – charge in court, indict
- Syn: blame,incriminate,inculpate,summon
Asinine – stupid or silly
- Syn: idiotic,blundering,bovine,doltish
Askance – (i) with a sideways glance, obliquely (ii) With disapproval, suspicion, or distrust
Aspersion – the act of defaming
- Syn: slander,vituperation,calumny,slur
Assiduous – hard working and systematic
- Syn: diligent, eager,preserving,studious
Astute – having a clever or shrewd mind
- Syn: adroit, canny, discerning
Atrophy – wasting away, esp. of body tissue
- Syn: decline,degeneration,deterioration,diminution
Attenuate – (i) to soothe, calm (ii) to make slender, fine, or small
Avarice – immoderate desire for wealth, cupidity
- Syn: avidity, covetousness, frugality, penuriousness
Also Read Theme Based Vocabulary
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